Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Common Fears & OCD Subtypes

OCD subtypes can help people to find community with others who share similar experiences, and they can assist therapists in designing targeted treatment plans, but they don't tell the whole story. If you can't find your subtype, that doesn't mean you don't have OCD—everyone's experience is unique, and many people's OCD symptoms don't fit neatly into any specific theme.

Relationship OCD

Relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder (R-OCD) is an OCD subtype that is characterized by ongoing intrusive thoughts and compulsive behavior around uncertainty of a relationship. People with R-OCD experience frequent doubting thoughts about one or more relationships (e.g., “Am I truly in love with my partner?”) in spite of little evidence supporting the need for these doubts. The doubting thoughts are often viewed as an indication that the relationship may be disingenuous or “flawed” in some way, which fuels anxiety about the relationship and drives sufferers to engage in various compulsions aimed at gaining certainty about their relationship status (e.g., asking for continual reassurance from a friend).

5 min read
I was told I had love addiction—it was actually OCD

In 2014, I had just broken up with my boyfriend of five years. I was in distress, because this was a person I wondered about marrying. Little did I know I

5 min read
ROCD: The OCD Subtype With Uniquely Challenging Social Ramifications

I wouldn’t wish OCD on my worst enemy. Here is how I’d describe it to someone who isn’t as familiar with the condition: Imagine you are driving on the

By Stephen Smith

Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD

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5 min read
Will My OCD Get Worse?

While it’s difficult to predict when or how OCD will worsen, stress, comorbidities and life circumstances can all play a significant role.

4 min read
My Personal Battle With Multiple OCD Subtypes

My first experience with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) came at the age of 7 years old, with severe intrusive thoughts. As I got older, my OCD

By Rebecca Horsfall

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4 min read
What Are ROCD Exposures? Explanation and Examples

If you’re in a relationship, it’s normal to feel uncertainty at times about your partner or anxiety about your relationship in general. However, if these

4 min read
Is Relationship Anxiety the same as Relationship OCD?

Relationships are important. They give our lives meaning and bring joy to our day-to-day activities. However, they’re not without their struggles, and

8 min read
Managing Tinder anxiety and overthinking – Tips from therapists

It’s normal to overthink things sometimes. But if it’s getting in the way of your life and ability to make connections with people, it could be a component of OCD.

By Jenna Demmer

Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD

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7 min read
Love vs. Obsession: How to tell the difference

If you're worried about your own feelings for someone else, it's important to draw the line between obsession and love.

By Elle Warren

Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC

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7 min read
First-date nerves and how to ease them

Let's untangle some of the reasons that you might be feeling first-date anxiety—as well as the kinds of steps you can take to overcome it.

By Elle Warren

Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC

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8 min read
I’m scared of being vulnerable. Can therapy help?

Being vulnerable is important for building relationships, but it’s not always easy to open up. Here’s why that might be, and how to find help.

By Elle Warren

Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC

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8 min read
Is it love or just lust? A therapist’s advice

How to know if your feelings are love, lust or even a sign of a mental health issue—from a therapist with expertise.

By Elle Warren

Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC

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6 min read
I’m always obsessing about my partner’s past. What can I do?

Here’s what your obsessions about your partner’s past could mean, and how to find help.

By Elle Warren

Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC

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8 min read
Is it bad to check my partner’s phone? Advice from a therapist

You should absolutely not sneak a peek. It only erodes trust and violates boundaries needed for a healthy relationship to thrive. Read on to learn more.

By Jessica Migala

Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC

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9 min read
Why do I get sleepy around my partner? A therapist’s take

Feeling sleep around your partner can be a totally normal experience, or mean something more.

By Erica Digap Burson

Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC

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7 min read
How can therapy help me deal with rejection?

Rejection hurts, but therapy can help you work through the thoughts you have surrounding it.

By Elle Warren

Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC

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9 min read
I keep dreaming about my ex. Does it mean anything? 

Exes can be loaded and emotional subjects, and having them pop up in your dreams can evoke a wide range of emotions.

By Erica Digap Burson

Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC

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