Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Editorial Process

How we create our
clinically reviewed library

Our Mission

On average, people with OCD live with their symptoms for 14-17 years before accessing effective treatment. Many of them spend this time suffering in silence, unaware that their struggle has a name. Too many people lose hope during these years, never realizing that effective treatment for OCD exists.

That's why high-quality, accurate, empathetic, and inclusive educational content is such an important resource for people with OCD. This very first step—helping the OCD population put a name to their struggle after a decade and a half of suffering—is perhaps the most crucial.

Our Clinical Standards

Every piece of educational content we publish has been thoroughly reviewed by a member of NOCD's Clinical Leadership team. Before any article is shared publicly, clinical leaders assess its accuracy, comprehensiveness, tone, and quality, ensuring that everything we publish reflects our high clinical standards.

When new content involves specific populations, identity groups, related conditions, or medical information, it is reviewed by clinical leaders who have specialized expertise, clinical backgrounds, or lived experience in those particular areas.

On every new article not written by a member of NOCD's Clinical Leadership team, the clinical reviewer is listed at the top of the page. Readers who care to learn more about the background and expertise of the clinician who reviewed or wrote the article can explore their profile pages.

Our Editorial Team

Our highest priority is to serve the needs of the OCD community. We work with writers who can meet our audience where they are, with empathetic, clear, and accessible writing. Our focus is on fluency in topics related to mental health and OCD in particular, a commitment to inclusive and affirming language, and an empathetic voice. Whenever possible, we give a voice to writers, editors, clinicians, and community members who have lived experience with OCD and related conditions or a significant professional background in mental healthcare writing.

NOCD Editorial Values

  • Accurate

    We earn the trust of discerning readers by citing reputable sources, sharing clinical expertise, and ensuring rigorous review of all our content.

  • Up-to-date

    The mental healthcare landscape is constantly changing and we are committed to staying on top of new research, emerging forms of treatment, and current issues that impact the OCD community.

  • Evidence-based

    We avoid promoting unproven theories and help readers learn about treatment options that have been proven to lead to real results, backed by peer-reviewed research.

  • Community-driven

    Thanks to NOCD's unique team and community, we remain tuned into the needs and concerns of the OCD population.

  • Affirming

    OCD can make people doubt their own experiences and internalize feelings of guilt. Writing that validates people's unique experiences actively facilitates their journey toward recovery.

  • Inclusive

    To serve every member of the OCD population, we uphold high standards of inclusivity in the language we use, the voices we share, and the Editorial team we have built.

  • Candid

    We don't avoid the tough questions and taboo thoughts that people with OCD often struggle with—we address them directly so people can get the help they need.

  • Recovery-oriented

    We make sure our writing doesn't take advantage of people's fear and worry, without providing empty reassurance that only makes OCD worse over time.

Ongoing Content Review

Our commitment to high editorial and clinical standards doesn’t end when our content is initially published. As medical information evolves, inclusive language shifts, new research is produced, and improvements are made to our site, the content we provide for our audience adapts to uphold our high standards.

We welcome direct feedback from our audience, and do our best to improve our educational articles and respond to the needs of the OCD community. If you would like to share any ways that we can make our content better, please send us a message with your feedback.