Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD
Yusra Shah

Yusra Shah


NOCD Blog Writer

Yusra writes about OCD and related conditions for NOCD, focusing on mental health news in pop culture, relationship anxiety, and treatment options. She is very passionate about proper representation of mental health and making sure everyone has the resources they need.


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for OCD

How much does ERP therapy cost? Understanding the price and value

How to get diagnosed with OCD

Can OCD be treated without medication?

What is mild OCD? Signs, symptoms, and why treatment matters

Fear of funerals: causes and tips for finding relief

How to deal with existential dread

Is extrasensory perception (ESP) real? How magical thinking makes it feel possible

Why do I keep seeing angel numbers?

What are cognitive distortions in OCD?: Common examples and treatment

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