Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD
Yusra Shah

Yusra Shah


NOCD Blog Writer

Yusra writes about OCD and related conditions for NOCD, focusing on mental health news in pop culture, relationship anxiety, and treatment options. She is very passionate about proper representation of mental health and making sure everyone has the resources they need.


OCD and Sleep: Strategies for managing nighttime symptoms

Sexual orientation OCD (SO-OCD): symptoms and treatment

Checking OCD: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

What is existential OCD: signs, symptoms, and treatment

Contamination OCD: symptoms, examples, and treatment

Can OCD be treated without medication? What experts say

What Is Harm OCD? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

What Is Suicidal OCD? Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

8 relatable videos about OCD (that are actually accurate)

Supporting my daughter’s OCD journey while managing my own: a parent’s perspective

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