Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

OCD Stats & Science

Nearly everyone has heard of OCD, but few truly understand what it is: a potentially debilitating mental illness that consumes people with fear and doubt, often about the things that matter the most to them. Instead, OCD is frequently portrayed as nothing more than a personality quirk in popular media, causing millions to suffer in silence, unaware that their struggle has a name.

Despite prevailing misconceptions and stigma, we actually know a lot about the condition and how it can be properly managed, as OCD has been studied and treated effectively for decades. Unfortunately, most people don’t have access to the right information.

We want to redefine the way OCD is understood around the world by providing accurate, high-quality information from experts in OCD research and treatment. Browse articles covering a wide range of topics in the science and statistics of OCD, from brain chemistry to effective treatment interventions.

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Which OCD subtypes are in the DSM-5?

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Are there any supplements that can help with OCD?

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What are ego-dystonic thoughts? How experts use the term

Ego-dystonic thoughts are ones that are out of sync with who you are and what you believe and value, and can be a hallmark of OCD.
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Couples therapy for OCD: Does it help?

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Can service animals help with OCD? What experts say

If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder, having a service animal, along with therapy, can help with your symptoms.
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The 10 Most Common Types of OCD 

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Does OCD get worse in the winter? An expert weighs in

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Does OCD make people smart? An OCD therapist weighs in

Scientific studies have debunked this common myth. Let’s look at the reality of OCD and the dangers of attributing “positive” attributes to it.
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Should I get help for high-functioning OCD? Advice from an expert

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Hyperfixation vs. Obsession: What’s the difference?

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5 free worksheets for people struggling with OCD, developed by experts

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What are the 4 main types of OCD? What experts say

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Intrusive thoughts vs. Impulsive thoughts: What’s the difference?

These two types of mental phenomenon are often conflated and confused, but they could hardly be more different.
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I get disturbing images in my head. Is it OCD? 

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The economic burden of untreated OCD: A Q&A with Naman Kochar

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How does OCD show up in the brain? A Q&A with Dr. Christine Lochner

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How do I know if I have OCD? What experts recommend 

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Should I get treatment for “mild” OCD? What experts say

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The OCD Cycle, visualized: How the condition works

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How to identify OCD symptoms in toddlers

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10 OCD Instagram Accounts To Follow 

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Can OCD develop later in life?

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Can mindfulness help me cope with intrusive thoughts?

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What Are the Criteria for an OCD Diagnosis?

OCD affects about 1 in 40 people in the United States—but it’s more than just hand washing or door closing. Here’s your go-to OCD symptoms checklist.
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Can a hormone imbalance cause intrusive thoughts?

An imbalance in hormone levels can cause or exacerbate a wide range of mental health symptoms—including intrusive thoughts.
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Do any natural remedies help with OCD? What experts say

People often turn to natural remedies as an alternative or complementary approach to conventional treatments. But do any help with OCD?
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Can OCD cause you to dissociate?

Learn about the potential connection between OCD and dissociative experiences, and how treating OCD as the root cause can reduce their frequency.
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Is OCD more common in men or women?

Family history, traumatic events, and brain chemistry are several factors that impact the development of OCD. But what about gender?
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Is OCD considered a mental illness?

Demystify OCD. Learn if it's classified as a mental illness and gain clarity on this common misconception.
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Why OCD can cause a groinal response—and what you can do about it

Learn about the association between OCD and groinal response, and access practical strategies to regain control over your life.
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Can OCD Be Genetic?

Learn about the role of genes in OCD, how they interact with environmental factors, and what you can do to manage symptoms.
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Is OCD considered a disability? Here’s what experts say

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Can Virtual Reality Exposures be used to treat OCD?

Discover how VR enhances ERP therapy for OCD. Explore benefits and latest research with expert insights. Improve OCD treatment with VR.
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OCD and TMS: An Effective Treatment Option?

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Does OCD Involve a Chemical Imbalance?

Is OCD caused by a chemical imbalance? We explore the theory and its evidence, as well as alternative explanations for the neurobiological basis of OCD.
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Are people with OCD considered neurodivergent?

Is OCD considered neurodivergent? This article delves into the concept of neurodiversity and its implications on treatment approaches for OCD
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Can you “grow out of” OCD?

Discover if people can grow out of OCD and if periods of symptom remission can lead to long-term remission. Get expert insights on OCD management from NOCD.
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Is OCD an Anxiety Disorder?

OCD and Anxiety: Better understand OCD and anxiety disorders, how they are related, anxiety's role in OCD, and more. 
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Why is my OCD getting worse?

Often, when a member begins exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy, things can seem to get worse before they get better.
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What Causes Intrusive Thoughts?

Intrusive thoughts seem to pop into our minds out of nowhere. Learn what causes intrusive thoughts and to best overcome them.
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Do intrusive thoughts mean anything?

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