Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Living with OCD

We're creating resources to help people learn about OCD in the many ways it impacts their own lives—not just what it looks like on paper. You can search our resources to determine when your intrusive thoughts may be related to OCD.

10 min read
How having OCD helped me help others

These incidents continued to happen throughout my fifth-grade school year. I felt compelled to do many things, many seeming completely random, but they stuck and made day-to-day tasks almost impossible. “Write directly on the line, if you write over it you will fail the test” resulted in papers with holes in them from erasing so frequently. “Wash your hands every time you see a sink, or you will get yourself and others sick” meant I was developing eczema on my hands. “When you are in the car you have to say ‘That’s a cool car,’ or that car will hit you,” this meant I stopped leaving the house. “Count your steps. Make sure that you get somewhere in 4 steps or a multiple of 4 steps, or you will die” made me cry walking room to room in our house. I was only eleven years old.

By Emily

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10 min read
The story behind the struggle

The Struggling Warrior is a 26-year-old Electrical and Electronics engineer with OCD. Throughout his experience with this detrimental disease, he found himself and his passion, to raise awareness of OCD and help people who suffer from it on a daily basis. He believes that through knowledge, education, and understanding of the sheer nature of the disease, people will jumpstart their recovery process and reclaim what OCD took away from them.

By The Struggling Warrior

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7 min read
I’m a mom living with POCD

The biggest thing I’ve learned with therapy is that you cannot unlearn all that you have already learned. OCD will always come up with one more “What if?”, “You HAVE to”, “I demand you do this or XYZ will happen”. You will have the tools in your toolbox to know how to deal with it. You will know how to be one step ahead of it. If it trips you up, it's not a failure. A lapse is not a relapse and recovery isn’t linear. You are not a terrible person and even thinking about wanting to get better shows how strong and courageous you really are. OCD will always want to keep you stuck. ERP is how you become unstuck.

By Michelle

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10 min read
Looking fear in the face and not running

I feel like people living with this disorder are the most resilient, strong, and compassionate of people. That makes me happy and hopeful. The biggest lesson I have learned so far from this journey, and this is something I have to give all the credit to my therapist Tara for, is that I can truly deal with all these difficult emotions. I don't have to run away, I never needed to run away.

By Sebastian Valdiviezo

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7 min read
Idiosyncrasies: Navigating an Obsessive-Compulsive Mind

My mind, like many others with OCD, works like a sticky fly trap: it catches every little thing that floats by, even when (especially when) it’s not beneficial to my mental well-being. This means that every insult from a classmate growing up, every melancholy tale I accidentally read, and every scary movie I sneak-watched as a preteen has clung to the walls of my brain until this very day. But what makes the disorder so unbearable at times are cycles of severe intrusive thoughts that bring up those memories, presenting themselves as words, phrases, or images that play in my head.

By Morgan Eastwood

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8 min read
OCD is just radio static in the background

I recently became a NOCD community Alumni Member. I volunteer and help others who are struggling with OCD to regain control of their lives. I am spreading education and advocacy about this disorder. I am realizing that so many others struggle with similar problems. I am not alone. I am surprised by how quickly I was able to recover. I attribute this to allowing myself to truly give ERP a chance and throwing myself into treatment wholeheartedly. I want others to know that OCD can play the worst head games with you. I try and help friends and family understand what OCD is really like and how much of an impact it has had on my life. OCD is chronic and I want to spread awareness. Even though it is often chronic that doesn’t mean that you will always suffer or be debilitated by it. There is hope. There is help.

By Christian M.

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6 min read
Distressing the Distress

Slowly, more and more parts of my life became affected to the point where I was weary about what I was doing and avoiding those parts of my life to the best of my abilities to avoid this distressing feeling in my chest. As my life became more and more engulfed in this, I knew I needed help. This led to a diagnosis of OCD and eventually ERP.

By David Kedeme

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6 min read
OCD felt like a death sentence

At first, OCD started as a way to provide relief, a means to control things that were out of my control. But then it morphed into something that took over my life and does the opposite of soothing me. I was stuck on my compulsions for 15 minutes, then 30, then an hour. It just kept growing and growing into something bigger and far worse.

By Kelsey

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6 min read
My journey with ERP and Santa Claus

I spent my childhood thinking that everything needed to be perfect. This manifested in a variety of areas in my life, but the largest, most debilitating area by far was education; straight A’s were my ticket to perfection.The importance of A’s had been drilled into me from a young age – not from my parents or teachers, but from my OCD. I worked tirelessly to be a stand-out student. Anything lower than 93% would send me into a full panic and meltdown.

By Jessie B.

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8 min read
Putting OCD in the backseat

For the longest time, I thought that OCD was this ‘big and bad’ thing that couldn’t be stopped. But now I know how to break the cycles and fight back. I have a lot of support and I am thankful for that. ERP no longer seems as daunting to me. It became easier with time, practice, and commitment.

By Christofer

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7 min read
How to lovingly detach from our child’s OCD and anxiety

As a parent, one of the most difficult things we may go through is watching our kids struggle. For children with anxiety and/or OCD, the temptation to

By Elizabeth Taylor

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3 min read
How to Navigate the Unavoidable Arguments with Kids about their OCD

Children not listening, arguments, and disagreements are part of parenthood, but this can be especially true as it pertains to the many facets of OCD.

By Maegon Miller

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6 min read
I Became an OCD Specialist Because of My Son’s Struggle and Recovery

I've been a licensed clinical social worker for about 25 years and have done a lot of different things in many different settings. A big focus has been

By Kim

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4 min read
My Journey to Becoming an OCD Specialist Began in My Adolescence

When I was in college, I decided my path was to pursue a career in counseling. I was drawn to counseling because I'd received it as a teen, and it had a

By Ruthie Brooks

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7 min read
I Wouldn’t Be Here Without Specialized OCD Therapy

I'm not exaggerating when I say that my OCD became so debilitating that I almost gave up on myself and took my own life. I think that people outside of

By Madison Graves

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6 min read
I Resisted Therapy for Years. Now I’m an OCD Specialist.

My dad had Complex PTSD by the time he was nine years old. At that point, he had already escaped from a cult with his mom and survived torturous abuse. As

By Sebastian Wingfield

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6 min read
As Soon As I Began to Recover From OCD, I Knew I Had to Get the Word Out

Like a lot of people in the OCD community, I lived with OCD for a long time before being properly diagnosed. By the time I did get that life-changing

By Jesse Miller

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4 min read
Does Anxiety Cause Arousal?

If you’ve ever tried not to think about something, you probably know how difficult it is to control your own thoughts—especially when they’re embarrassing

By Leeron Hoory

Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC

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6 min read
My Decision to Specialize in OCD Came From My Own Experience

I can vividly recall the event that led to me finally getting help for what I later learned was OCD. I was an undergrad. I was standing on top of a

By Robert Williamson

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6 min read
Navigating Health Insurance When You Need Specialized OCD Treatment

Let's begin on a positive note: it's great that your insurance will cover some or even all of your sessions because, frankly, it hasn't always been that

By Grant Stoddard

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