Living with OCD
We're creating resources to help people learn about OCD in the many ways it impacts their own lives—not just what it looks like on paper. You can search our resources to determine when your intrusive thoughts may be related to OCD.
If you’ve ever tried not to think about something, you probably know how difficult it is to control your own thoughts—especially when they’re embarrassing
By Leeron Hoory
Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC
I can vividly recall the event that led to me finally getting help for what I later learned was OCD. I was an undergrad. I was standing on top of a
By Robert Williamson
Allison, a 35-year-old from the Midwest, was working at a state fair when she realized she'd forgotten something important in her car. She froze. It would
By Grant Stoddard
Reviewed by April Kilduff, MA, LCPC
Let's begin on a positive note: it's great that your insurance will cover some or even all of your sessions because, frankly, it hasn't always been that
By Grant Stoddard
While I was only diagnosed with OCD relatively recently, I always knew there was something different about the way my mind worked. I just didn't have a
By Brian Kleback
I have always been very anxious. I come from a high-strung home where there were a lot of expectations and rules. It wasn't until I went away to college
By Mollie Albanese
We usually start to see OCD behaviors in children at about eight years of age. My mom first noticed mine at around four or five—which is a lot younger
By Noelle Rodgers
I’ve never experienced anything more crushing than a day filled with OCD intrusive thoughts. It’s a feeling that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. You
By Stephen Smith
Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD
Dear NOCD Community, On this Thanksgiving Day, I’d like to share my sincerest appreciation for each of you, as well as wish you a very happy beginning to
By Stephen Smith
This article is part of a series in which OCD specialists talk about their personal experience of OCD and the ways in which that experience informs their
By Stacy Quick, LPC
Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD
I think I've always been an anxious person. I was afraid to meet new people; I was scared to go to school. But rather than avoiding the situations that
By Jenna Overbaugh, LPC
Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD
Virtually everyone experiences sleepless nights every now and then. However, research has shown that people with obsessive-compulsive disorder
By Patrick McGrath, PhD
Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD
Doubting whether you have OCD is commonplace in the OCD community. OCD specialists are very familiar with how this particular doubt can stop people from
By Jenna Overbaugh, LPC
Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD
Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves facing fears head-on through exposures while resisting the urge to perform compulsions, which
By Alegra Kastens, M.A., LMFT
Series B Financing to Support People Struggling with OCD, Fuel Growth Series B led by F-Prime Capital with Eight Roads Ventures, Kaiser Permanente
By Robert Capobianco
Teletherapy has been around for many years, and recently there has been an explosive increase in the use of telehealth services. The ability to access
By Julissa Gonzalez
Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD
Mentioning that you live with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) usually leads to a mixed bag of responses, despite the condition being ranked as a top
By Stephen Smith
Reviewed by Dr. Jamie Feusner, MD
Imagine that you’re in the ocean and struggling to stay afloat. You see an orange lifesaver tube so you grab it, pull your head above the surface, take a
By Stephen Smith
Imagine that you were dealing with chronic stomach aches that were so persistent, you decided to make a doctor’s appointment. Your hope was to alleviate
By Stephen Smith
Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD
We live in a world where it’s rare to scroll through social media without seeing a catchy ad for a new online therapy company. For many, the increase in
By Stephen Smith
Reviewed by Patrick McGrath, PhD