Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Related Symptoms & Conditions

Mental health is always complex, and OCD is no exception. Obsessions and compulsions present differently in everybody, and it can be difficult to make sense of new and changing symptoms. Through life changes and sources of stress, it’s important to be prepared for anything OCD sends your way.

Many people also struggle with more than one diagnosis at a time. Living with other conditions like BFRBs or PTSD can feel alienating and overwhelming, but expert knowledge can help you navigate complicated mental health challenges.

We’re creating resources to help people learn about OCD in the many ways it impacts their own lives—not just what it looks like on paper. You can read about topics from the relationship between OCD and ADHD to ways to determine when your intrusive thoughts may be related to OCD.

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I’m worried that everyone hates me. Are my fears justified?

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I’m worried that my birth control will fail and I’ll get pregnant. What can I do? 

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What if I never wake up? How to deal with sleeping anxiety

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How can I stop chewing on my fingers? Advice from a therapist

There’s a name for this habit: body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB). It can become harmful, but it's also highly treatable.
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Am I neurotic? Guidance from an expert

Dr. Nicholas Farrell helped me clear up what it actually means to be “neurotic,” what it doesn't mean, and how it can impact your mental health.
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6 supportive communities for people struggling with mental health 

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How can I stop biting the inside of my mouth? What experts say

Do you find yourself persistently biting the inside of your mouth? Is it raw, painful, or even bleeding? There's good news: you can access effective treatment.
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Is fidgeting a sign of a mental health condition?

Two different mental health conditions are commonly mistaken for fidgeting. Here's how to identify them and find effective treatment.
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Can you gaslight yourself? A therapist’s take

There are a number of reasons why people might self-gaslight. Learn from Dr. Nicholas Farrell about what this can mean about your mental health.
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Can an identity crisis be treated? A therapist’s approach

Questioning your identity may not always be a mental health issue, but sometimes all it takes is a single day to make you rethink everything.
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What causes compulsive lying? What experts say

Research calls this “persistent, pervasive, and often compulsive” behavior–but does it stem from OCD?
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I’m always afraid of being watched. Is there something wrong?

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Are nervous tics a mental health problem?

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Am I just superstitious, or could I have OCD? What the experts say

If irrational beliefs dictate your actions, or cause you worry and distress, you may want to investigate whether something other than urban legends is at play.
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Can misophonia be treated? What therapists say about managing the condition

In this article, we'll explain misophonia's relationship to autism and certain mental health disorders, and discover how the condition can be managed.
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How can I stop chewing on things when I’m stressed?

If you’re constantly finding yourself chewing on things during moments of anxiety, it might be a sign that something more serious is going on.
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Can intrusive thoughts ever be a sign of bipolar disorder?

While commonly reported among people with BD, intrusive thoughts are not one of its defining symptoms in the DSM-5. Here's what you should know.
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Do I have “false memory syndrome,” or is it OCD? 

Do intrusive thoughts make you fear that you’ve done something terrible—but have no idea? It may be a part of false memories in OCD.
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I’m worried that I’m a narcissist. What can I do? 

There’s a lot more to narcissism than a habit of selfishness. Le'ts go over what you can do if you’re worried that you might fit the bill.
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Self-punishment: a sign of depression, trauma, or OCD?

Understanding the underlying causes of self-punishment is crucial for identifying and providing appropriate support. Here's how experts interpret these symptoms.
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Worried you’ll say your intrusive thoughts out loud? Here’s what experts say

Since intrusive thoughts often oppose your values and intentions, it's common to worry that you could vocalize them. Here's what you should know.
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Could compulsive shopping be a mental health problem?

When it comes to compulsive shopping, the line between enjoying it and being tortured by it is thin. Let's explore what might be behind your habit.
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How can I stop my child’s tics? An expert’s perspective

A specific treatment called habit reversal training (HRT) has helped innumerable kids overcome this particularly cruel condition.
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Is my home just cluttered, or am I a hoarder? What experts say

There’s a difference between clutter and hoarding, and one defining feature can clue you in on if you have hoarding disorder or not.
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Are intrusive thoughts ever a sign of schizophrenia?

Sometimes people who have intrusive thoughts fear that something serious could be going on—in truth, everyone has them.
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Can Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) cause distressing intrusive thoughts?

If you’re noticing that you have disturbing intrusive thoughts and you also have experienced childhood trauma, you might be wondering if there’s a connection.
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Could “trauma dumping” be a mental health issue?

Learn about why trauma dumping happens, what it looks like, and how to identify when it might be a sign of a larger issue.
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Can intrusive thoughts cause panic attacks?

If you’ve experienced intrusive thoughts as well as panic attacks, you might be wondering how the two may be related. Let’s explore.
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I’m constantly afraid I won’t be able to sleep. Is it anxiety, OCD, or a sleep disorder?

Whether it’s because of racing thoughts, a feeling of anxiety or panic, or just an inability to get comfortable, worries about sleep are quite common.
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Could “Photo Hoarding” Be a Mental Health Issue?

Documenting life with your phone is easier than ever—but there’s a tipping point where it may become a problem.
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Should I tell people my intrusive thoughts? A therapist’s advice

It’s human to divulge our internal experiences with the people we trust. But can sharing our intrusive experiences ever be bad for our mental health?
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Are OCD symptoms a trauma response?

Explore whether or not OCD can be a ”trauma response” and, if so, the possible implications on how it's diagnosed, treated, and managed.
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Are stims a form of Tourette’s syndrome?

April Kilduff, MA, LCPC, LMHC, helps untangle the similarities and differences between stims and the tics that characterize Tourette's.
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What’s the difference between stims, tics, and compulsions?

All three are repetitive, seemingly involuntary behaviors that have a coping or self-regulatory function. But below the surface, they're all quite different.
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Why you struggle to stop picking your hangnails 

Explore some of the reasons that you just can’t resist picking those hangnails, and some options that you have if you want to seek help.
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Does PMDD make intrusive thoughts worse?

There’s a scientific connection between this time of the month and the thoughts that cross your mind. Learning more about it is the first step to finding some relief.
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Can Childhood Trauma Cause OCD?

OCD will take any opportunity to infiltrate your life—including promising a false sense of safety after trauma.
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Can being in an abusive relationship cause you to have intrusive thoughts?

The trauma resulting from an abusive relationship can lead to conditions like PTSD and OCD—both of which feature symptoms like distressing intrusive thoughts.
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Can My Own Thoughts Cause Sensory Overload?

Intrusive thoughts, rumination, and certain types of OCD can cause sensory overload—but it’s also something that can affect anyone—here’s what you need to know.
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Can OCD Lead to Overstimulation?

Intrusive thoughts in OCD can certainly make you feel overstimulated—and cause additional stress and anxiety.
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