What is polygamy related OCD?
Polygamy themes in OCD involve recurrent intrusive thoughts, images, or urges related to Polygamy. These intrusive obsessions can take many forms: fear of having previously engaged in polygamy, fear of engaging in polygamy in the future, fear of secretly wanting to engage in polygamy, fear of having engaged in polygamy and forgotten, and fear one will lose control and engage in polygamy. It may also involve any of these fears on the part of one’s spouse, rather than oneself. These obsessions cause a person with OCD to feel very distressed, worried, guilty, or anxious. In response to the distress, the individual feels compelled to engage in various compulsions. Compulsions may not be visible to the casual observer because they are frequently done mentally. Compulsions are not automatic or beyond a person’s control, as obsessions are, but are intentionally done in an attempt to prevent an outcome related to polygamy, reassure oneself about their fears, or relieve their distress. Common compulsions related to OCD with a focus on polygamy include repeated checking one’s desire to engage in polygamy, repeatedly reviewing memories for potential acts or urges related to polygamy, checking how one would feel if they were to engage in polygamy, seeking reassurance from others about fears related to polygamy, excessively researching polygamy, and even apologizing for urges or acts related to polygamy that haven’t occurred. Despite engaging in repetitive compulsions, people with OCD fail to find the certainty or long-term relief they desire. It’s often the case that an individual with OCD feels brief relief following compulsions, only for obsessive fears to return again and again. The more compulsions are repeated, the stronger the OCD cycle becomes over time. |
Polygamy related OCD – Common Triggers
People with polygamy themes in OCD may find that their symptoms occur in situations where they are triggered to think about their current relationship, future relationships, or past relationships. Anything can technically become a trigger; however, some common possibilities include:
- Spending time with one’s current partner
- Dates
- Physical intimacy
- Talks of marriage or commitment
- Movies with themes of either marriage or polygamy
- Articles with themes of commitment or polygamy
- Feelings of attraction towards someone other than one’s partner
- Pictures of past or current partners
How can I tell if I’m experiencing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or something else?
Typically one good indicator that the fears and behaviors you’re experiencing are related to OCD is that you are spending excessive amounts of time (more than one hour) thinking about polygamy on any given day, or if your recurrent thoughts are causing significant distress or interfering in areas of your life.
You may even be aware that your fears of polygamy don’t quiet make sense, but you can’t seem to make yourself stop thinking about it. Do you find yourself avoiding potential triggers? Do you find yourself feeling compelled to engage in behaviors (mental or physical) in order to reduce your distress or figure something out with certainty?
These are signs that you may be suffering from polygamy themes in OCD, but the best way to know is to reach out to a therapist who specializes in diagnosing and treating OCD.
If you’re struggling with OCD, you can schedule a free 15-minute call today with the NOCD care team to learn how a licensed therapist can help. At NOCD, all therapists specialize in OCD and receive ERP-specific training. ERP is most effective when the therapist conducting the treatment has experience with OCD and training in ERP.
We look forward to working with you.