Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD
Chelsea Banks

Chelsea Banks

Licensed Therapist, MA, LCMHC

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I know how scary and unsafe therapy can feel. This is always a safe place for you to be exactly who you are. I create a casual, warm, and nonjudgmental space where people can be completely honest about their experiences. I will work side by side with you on your path; you are never alone. To treat OCD, I utilize Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) because it's highly effective — a plan that has worked, time and time again, to help individuals just like you. I also specialize in treating anxiety and depression.


Takes Aetna, Ascension SmartHealth, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, Cigna, EMI health, Forest County Potawatomi, Horizon BCBS, Imagine Health, Independence Blue Cross, Partners Direct Health, Student Blue, United Healthcare


Licensed in Florida, North Carolina, Texas



  • MA, Liberty University (2018)
  • NOCD Academy, OCD Training Program




OCD, Anxiety, Depression, Phobias, Skin picking, Hair pulling, Nail biting, Tics, Children and Adolescents

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