Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD
Taylor Newendorp

Taylor Newendorp


Licensed Therapist, MA, LCPC

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My best friend since childhood lived with OCD until he was diagnosed in his 30s, and that inspired me to become an OCD therapist to help others like him. OCD is incredibly common and widely misunderstood. Every NOCD therapist receives extensive training on OCD and how to treat it effectively with ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). You've come to the right place! ERP is conducted in a gradual, systematic manner, and you'll have a say in every step of the process. Beyond OCD, I specialize in treating anxiety disorders (including specific phobias, social anxiety, and panic) and eating disorders.


Takes Aetna, Ascension SmartHealth, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, Cigna, Forest County Potawatomi, Horizon BCBS, Imagine Health, Independence Blue Cross, Partners Direct Health, United Healthcare


Licensed in Connecticut, Illinois



  • MA, University of San Diego (2007)
  • NOCD Academy, OCD Training Program


OCD, Anxiety, Depression, Phobias, Skin picking, Hair pulling, Nail biting, Tics

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Why our members love working with Taylor



May 12, 2023

Taylor is the best therapist I have ever had. He challenges me improve myself and asks me questions that help keep me honest



Mar 03, 2023

Taylor is the best therapist I’ve ever worked with



Feb 21, 2023

Taylor was great to talk to. He made me feel very comfortable and open during the session. I cannot wait to continue to collaborate with him on a solution/treatment

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